Hi everyone! I have some exciting news! I’m releasing my first weekly kit on my Etsy shop! It’s created for the vertical Erin Condren Life Planner, but it can be used with the horizontal, hourly, a Plum Paper Planner, whatever you want. It’s called Swept Away and I hope you love it as much as I do. So, in honor of the new kit release, I thought I’d put up a little plan with me using this kit to show you how I use it and to give you an idea of how you might want to use it! You can get your own kit here!
Here's what my planner looks like before any stickers. It's the Erin Condren 18-Month Vertical Life Planner.
The first thing I do is put down the Today labels on the top box. The top box is where I write what I am going to do that day, or the type of day it will be, like “work day” or “lazy day.” It’s the ‘scrapbook’ portion of my planner.
Next, I built my sidebar. I started by putting the Schedule label under the flag, then I put the box with the week days under that. This is where I list out blog posts that need to go up, Etsy chores, and things like that. It gives me an at-a-glance plan for everything that has to be done during the week during my work hours, and I can plan accordingly. I usually put more a detailed version in my to do list or under my Little Things.
Under the week box, I put the Other label. This is where everything that doesn’t have a plane by now goes. This week, it was the To Do, To Buy, and To clean labels, and the workout checkbox. I usually put the workout checkbox there, but if I know I have a day blocked off for a certain task, then I will put the To Do, To Buy, or To Clean label on that day instead of in the sidebar. Under the workout checkbox, I put another half box, just to use all eight of them. I’m sure I can come up with something to write on there!
The next thing I do is put the decorative full boxes under the Today labels. This is what I write on, and it gives my planner a pretty touch.
I put the eighth full box in the top left corner over the Thankful Thought box, since it has a quote on it. I think it looks nice up there and it gives me a reason to use all eight boxes. This one says “flowers make me irrationally happy.”
Next I go across the second boxes with the To Do labels, then put the full box checklists under them. This is where I write my to do lists for the day. I’ll usually write part of them a day or two ahead and finish it up that morning.
Next I put down the Little Things labels on top of the third box. This is where I put everything that doesn’t really fit under a to do list or in the today box. Sometimes it’s routine things, like walking the dogs; sometimes it’s an extension of my to do list; and sometimes it’s just filled with doodles or little thoughts.
Right under the Little Things labels I put my water trackers. These are great for me because I get dehydrated very easily, and sometimes I forget to drink water until it’s too late, so the trackers keep me in check. And look, they match the theme of the kit! How cute!
Under the water tracker, I put down my half boxes. Sometimes I’ll put them over the full squares in the Today box, but I didn’t want to cover up the full boxes (they’re so pretty!) and I had space so I stuck them under there. The space left will just be extra space for to dos, random thoughts, and other stuff. Under Sunday's half box, I put the Next Week label and another checklist box. This is where I will write things I need to do or things I have scheduled for the next week.
Now that the layout is finished, it’s time to start decorating! I’m going to use the flowers and weekend banner that come with the kit. I’m going to start by stretching the weekend banner over the Today boxes on Saturday and Sunday, then I’m going to start putting the flowers down. I’m going to put one over the flag on the sidebar, one on Memorial Day, and a bunch on June 4. I’m going to a concert that day so I’m going to decorate it a bunch! I’m also going to put a flower by Wednesday, June 1, because the new ECLP is released that day!
Here's it is, finished, before the pen! I love the way it looks!
Now that I’m done decorating, it’s time to write in it! Of course, it’s not the week yet as I plan this, so I don’t know what I’m going to write yet! Check my Instagram for an “after” photo of my planner at the end of the week!
Love you guys!