Hey everyone!
Today I'm going to talk about one of my favorite things: planning. I've been using planners since first grade and I've had one every year. Ever since I got to start buying my own planners, I've spent so much time picking out the perfect planner. My two favorites are the Lilly Pulitzer planners and the Erin Condren. If you are into being super organized and what I call "micro-planning" (aka putting every little thing into your planner), I would recommend the Erin Condren. If you like to put a lot of things in your planner but have it in one big list, or if you just list things like homework and to-dos in your planner, I would recommend the Lilly. I love them both though; it's really a personal preference.
The Beginning of the Week |
For my planner, I have the vertical Erin Condren July 2015 - December 2016 planner with a custom cover. I love it and have been using it since I got it. I also use stickers from Etsy with it. There's a whole community of Etsy Sticker/Planner addicts.
I'll just list my favorites; these are the girls I order from constantly, whether it's for restocking my stash or because I see something new that I just have to have.
LimeAndMortar - I buy her hydration stickers, which are eight little raindrop check boxes in a row, and you check off a raindrop every time you drink eight ounces of water. All of her products ship from Australia, so one of the most exciting things about ordering from her is getting an Australian stamp on my package! She also makes checklist stickers, and I got her halloween ones for the month of October, and I love them!
OhHelloStationaryCo - I love her canceled and rescheduled stickers. They're small enough to fit in the boxes well, but bright enough to be noticeable.
StationStickers - I love her payday stickers, since they're small and fit up at the top but are still cute and colorful. They fit in the monthly boxes or on the weekly pages, which I really like. And it's always a nice sticker to see at the end of the week!
TheStickyPlannerCo - I'm gonna have to go on a long rant about her because she is an angel. She made me six months worth of custom banner stickers with my classes and everything else I needed listed on them. She was so gracious and patient with me since I didn't really know what I was doing (it was my first custom order). It was a very reasonable price too, which is always a good thing. The stickers are perfect and almost look like they are printed in the planner instead of stickers. I'm so excited to order more of these! You can see them all the pictures on this post.
Now I'll talk about how I organize my planner. For every day, I put a hydration sticker at the top above the day, then a pay day sticker under that if it's payday. The Erin Condren Planner is divided into three boxes. Every day, I put a sticker that says "Little Things" on the lowest box. In my Little Things box, I write a checklist of what workout or workout class I plan to do that day, anything I have to do after school, and any little chores I have to that day, like change the litter box or clean the guinea pig cage. I also write a reminder there if I need to study for a big test that's coming up. Under that, there are three lines in the planner, and I use those to write birthdays, anniversaries, scheduled pet medicine (like the monthly heart worm or flea prevention) , or if someone is leaving or coming into town, and things like that.
For school days, I have 3 classes every day, so I put my first period class sticker at the top of the first box, my second period class sticker at the top of the second box, and my third period class sticker at the top of the third box. About halfway down the third box, I put the Little Things Sticker. In the space under each class banner sticker, I write if I have a test or quiz that day, then my homework for the class. I still use the Little Things box the same way.
For weekends or weekdays when I don't have school, I use a little bit different system. I put a "Today" sticker on the top box, a "To Do" sticker on the second box, and my Little Things sticker in the lowest box. In the top box, I write things that are happening that day, like appointments and just stuff I have to do that day, plus things that would go on the bottom three lines on school days. Under To Do, I put little chores and other things I want to get done that day. The Little Things box is still the same.
That's how I use my planner! What planner do you use? How do you like it?
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